Skratky a kódy, potrebné na dekódovanie a kódovanie dokumentov, ktoré sú plne v súlade s ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) – Dokument 8400 „Skratky a kódy“.
Skratka / značka | Význam skratky / značky |
… L | Left (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel runway) |
L | Locator (see LM, LO) |
L | Low pressure area or the centre of low pressure |
LAN | Inland |
LAT | Latitude |
LDA | Landing distance available |
LDAH | Landing distance available, helicopter |
LDG | Landing |
LDI | Landing direction indicator |
LEN | Length |
LF | Low frequency [30 to 300 kHz] |
LGT | Light or lighting |
LGTD | Lighted |
LIH | Light intensity high |
LIL | Light intensity low |
LIM | Light intensity medium |
LLZ | Localizer |
LM | Locator, middle |
LMT | Local mean time |
LNG | Long (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required) |
LO | Locator, outer |
LOG | Local or locally or location or located |
LONG | Longitude |
LORAN | LORAN (long range air navigation system) |
LRG | Long range |
LTD | Limited |
LTP | Landing threshold point |
LV | Light and variable (relating to wind) |
LVE | Leave or leaving |
LVL | Level |
LYR | Layer or layered |
M . . . | Mach number (followed by figures) |
… M | Metres (preceded by figures) |
M . . . | Minimum value of runway visual range (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI) |
MAA | Maximum authorized altitude |
MAG | Magnetic |
MAINT | Maintenance |
MAP | Aeronautical maps and charts |
MAPT | Missed approach point |
MAR | At sea |
MAR | March |
MAX | Maximum |
MAY | May |
MBST | Microburst |
MCA | Minimum crossing altitude |
MCW | Modulated continuous wave |
MDA | Minimum descent altitude |
MDF | Medium frequency direction-finding station |
MDH | Minimum descent height |
MEA | Minimum en-route altitude |
MEHT | Minimum eye height over threshold (for visual approach slope indicator systems) |
MET | Meteorological or meteorology |
METAR | Aerodrome routine meteorological report (in meteorological code) |
MET REPORT | Local routine meteorological report (in abbreviated plain language) |
MF | Medium frequency [300 to 3 000 kHz] |
MHDF | Medium and high frequency direction-finding stations (at the same location) |
MHVDF | Medium, high and very high frequency direction-finding stations (at the same location) |
MHZ | Megahertz |
MID | Mid-point (related to R VR) |
MIFG | Shallow fog |
MIL | Military |
MIN | Minutes |
MKR | Marker radio beacon |
MLS | Microwave landing system |
MM | Middle marker |
MNM | Minimum |
MNPS | Minimum navigation performance specifications |
MNT | Monitor or monitoring or monitored |
MNTN | Maintain |
MOA | Military operating area |
MOC | Minimum obstacle clearance (required) |
MOD | Moderate (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, interference or static reports, e.g. MODRA = moderate rain) |
MON | Above mountains |
MON | Monday |
MOPS | Minimum operational performance standards |
MOV | Move or moving or movement |
MPS | Metres per second |
MRA | Minimum reception altitude |
MRG | Medium range |
MRP | ATS/MET reporting point |
MS | Minus |
MSA | Minimum sector altitude |
MSAS | Multifunctional transport satellite (MTSAT) satellite-based augmentation system |
MSAW | Minimum safe altitude warning |
MSG | Message |
MSL | Mean sea level |
MSSR | Monopulse secondary surveillance radar |
MT | Mountain |
MTU | Metric units |
MTW | Mountain waves |
MVDF | Medium and very high frequency direction finding stations (at the same location) |
MX | Mixed type of ice formation (white and clear) |