Skratky a kódy, potrebné na dekódovanie a kódovanie dokumentov, ktoré sú plne v súlade s ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) – Dokument 8400 „Skratky a kódy“.
Skratka / značka | Význam skratky / značky |
G | Green |
G… | Variations from the mean wind speed (gusts) (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI and TAP) |
GA | Go ahead, resume sending |
G/A | Ground-to-air |
G/A/G | Ground-to-air and air-to-ground |
GAGAN | GPS and geostationary earth orbit augmented navigation |
GAMET | Area forecast for low-level flights |
GARP | GBAS azimuth reference point |
GBAS | Ground-based augmentation system |
GCAJ | Ground controlled approach system or ground controlled approach |
GEN | General |
GEO | Geographic or true |
GES | Ground earth station |
GLD | Glider |
GLONASS | Global orbiting navigation satellite system |
GMC . . . | Ground movement chart (followed by name/title) |
GND | Ground |
GNDCK | Ground check |
GNSS | Global navigation satellite system |
GP | Glide path |
GPS | Global positioning system |
GR | Hail |
GRAS | Ground-based regional augmentation system |
GRASS | Grass landing area |
GRIB | Processed meteorological data in the form of grid point values expressed in binary form |
GRVL | Gravel |
GS | Ground speed |
GS | Small hail and/or snow pellets |
GUND | Geoid undulation |
H | High pressure area or the centre of high pressure |
H24 | Continuous day and night service |
HAPI | Helicopter approach path indicator |
HBN | Hazard beacon |
HDF | High frequency direction-finding station |
HDG | Heading |
HEL | Helicopter |
HF | High frequency [3 000 to 30 000 kHz] |
HOT | Height or height above |
HJ | Sunrise to sunset |
HLDG | Holding |
HN | Sunset to sunrise |
HO | Service available to meet operational requirements |
HOL | Holiday |
HOSP | Hospital aircraft |
HPA | Hectopascal |
HR | Hours |
HS | Service available during hours of scheduled operations |
HURCN | Hurricane |
HVDF | High and very high frequency direction finding Stations (at the same location) |
HVY | Heavy |
HVY | Heavy (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, e.g. HVY RA = heavy rain) |
HX | No specific working hours |
HYR | Higher |
HZ | Haze |
HZ | Hertz (cycle per second) |
IAC … | Instrument approach chart (followed by name/title) |
IAF | Initial approach fix |
IAO | In and out of clouds |
IAP | Instrument approach procedure |
IAR | Intersection of air routes |
IAS | Indicated airspeed |
IBN | Identification beacon |
IC | Ice crystals (very small ice crystals in suspension, also known as diamond dust) |
ICE | Icing |
ID | Identifier or identify |
IDENT | Identification |
IF | Intermediate approach fix |
IFF | Identification friend/foe |
IFR | Instrument flight rules |
IGA | International general aviation |
ILS | Instrument landing system |
IM | Inner marker |
IMC | Instrument meteorological conditions |
IMPR | Improve or improving |
IMT | Immediate or immediately |
INA | Initial approach |
INBD | Inbound |
INC | In cloud |
INCERFA | Uncertainty phase |
INFO | Information |
INOP | Inoperative |
INP | If not possible |
INPR | In progress |
INS | Inertial navigation system |
INSTL | Install or installed or installation |
INSTR | Instrument |
INT | Intersection |
INTL | International |
INTRG | Interrogator |
INTRP | Interrupt or interruption or interrupted |
INTSF | Intensify or intensifying |
INTST | Intensity |
IR | Ice on runway |
ISA | International standard atmosphere |
ISOL | Isolated |
JAN | January |
JTST | Jet stream |
JUL | July |
JUN | June |
KG | Kilograms |
KHZ | Kilohertz |
KM | Kilometres |
KMH | Kilometres per hour |
KPA | Kilopascal |
KT | Knots |
KW | Kilowatts |
Aké účely majú skratky a kódy ICAO?
Skratky a kódy ICAO slúžia na štandardizáciu komunikácie a postupov v civilnom letectve na medzinárodnej úrovni, čím zaisťujú efektivitu a bezpečnosť leteckého prevádzky.
Sú súčasné ICAO kódy dostatočne flexibilné na rýchlo sa meniace technológie v letectve?
ICAO neustále aktualizuje svoje kódy a skratky, aby reflektovali najnovšie technologické a operatívne zmeny v letectve, avšak výzvy v udržiavaní aktuálnosti pri rýchlo sa meniacich technológiách stále existujú.
Mali by sa znalosti o ICAO kódoch stať povinnou súčasťou všeobecného vzdelávania pre zvýšenie verejného povedomia o leteckej bezpečnosti?