PZL-Swidnik Kania, OM-TFA, 900202

Základné informácie o vrtuľníku

  • Poznávacia značka / Registration: 90 – OM-TFA
  • Typ vrtuľníka / Helicopter Type: PZL-Swidnik Kania
  • Výrobné číslo / Serial Number: 900202
  • Vlastník vrtuľníka / Helicopter Owner: Air Transport Europe, s.r.o.
  • Prevádzkovateľ / Operator: Air Transport Europe, s.r.o., https://www.helicopters.sk/firmy/air-transport-europe/
  • Súvisiace registrácie / Consecutive registrations: SP-SSE, B-3211(OM), SP-SSE, OM-TFA
  • Meno vrtuľníka / Helicopter Nickname:

Poznámky / Notes

Vrtuľník je registrovaný na Leteckom úrade SR.

Video om-tfa

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V prípade záujmu o doplnenie informácií o vrtuľníku môžete pridať komentár na koniec tejto stránky alebo nás kontaktujte. Would you like to add any information about this helicopter? Feel free to add a comment at the bottom of this page or contact us.

Letecký register vrtuľníkov / Slovak aircraft register

Návrat na prehľadovú stránku vrtuľníkov na Slovensku (OM) Letecký register vrtuľníkov.

Komentáre k článku PZL-Swidnik Kania, OM-TFA, 900202 (2)

  1. Dear Sir,
    My name is Marcin Przeworski and I work for two Polish aviation magazines: „The AeroPlan“ and „Skrzydlata Polska“.
    I decided to write to You Sir, because we are going to prepare the AeroPlan special issue devoted exclusively to the Polish built PZL Kania helicopter. At the moment we are at the material gathering stage. I have found Your Internet site
    and I made up my mind to write to You because I saw that You have used some PZL Kania examples in Your company.
    I would like to ask You if there is any possibility to obtain any non-profit photographs of the helicopters usefull
    for our publication here in Poland? So far I we have quite a lot of images but only Polish service Kanias and it would be great to have some foreign as well to make our publication even more complete.
    I would be very grateful if You could send me some images I could publish within the special Kania issue, as well as
    any useful information about them. I can assure You that they will be fully credited as You wish and I will send You a copy of the magazine involved after the publication. Can You help me?
    I am looking forward for Your answer,
    Best regards,
    Marcin Przeworski

  2. Vrtuľník je momentálne vystavený ako atrakcia pre turistov (bez motora, elektroniky a avioniky) v Liptovskom Mikuláši vo farbách ATE.


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