Skratky a kódy, potrebné na dekódovanie a kódovanie dokumentov, ktoré sú plne v súlade s ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) – Dokument 8400 „Skratky a kódy“.
Skratka / značka | Význam skratky / značky |
W | West or western longitude |
W | White |
W… | Sea-surface temperature (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI) |
WAAS | Wide area augmentation system |
WAC | World Aeronautical Chart — ICAO 1:1 000 000 (folio-wed by name/title) |
WAFC | World area forecast centre |
WB | Westbound |
WBAR | Wing bar lights |
WDI | Wind direction indicator |
WDSPR | Widespread |
WED | Wednesday |
WEF | With effect from or effective from |
WGS-84 | World Geodetic System — 1984 |
WI | Within |
WID | Width |
WIE | With immediate effect or effective immediately |
WILCO | Will comply |
WIND | Wind |
WINTEM | Forecast upper wind and temperature for aviation |
WIP | Work in progress |
WKN | Weaken or weakening |
WNW | West-north-west |
WO | Without |
WPT | Way-point |
WRNG | Warning |
WS | Wind shear |
WSPD | Wind speed |
WSW | West-south-west |
WT | Weight |
WTSPT | Waterspout |
WWW | Worldwide web |
WX | Weather |
X | Cross |
XBAR | Crossbar (of approach lighting system) |
XNG | Crossing |
XS | Atmospherics |
Y | Yellow |
YCZ | Yellow caution zone (runway lighting) |
YR | Your |
Z | Coordinated Universal Time (in meteorological messages) |